
Life, Death and Spirituality

Heart and Soul

Upgrading our vibration

More of my beliefs are:-

Heaven is only a stone’s throw away.  We can’t see it because we are vibrating on a different frequency.  We can only reach through the veil that separates us by changing our own vibration through prayer and meditation.  This vibration is the energy that buzzes through our body.  Our God is a rebel.  He gave us freedom of thought – bless his heart.  He wants us to experience emotion; love, compassion, forgiveness.  Unfortunately other emotions come to play too – our ego brings doubt and angst.

The earth’s vibration is changing and we need to keep up with the play.  The Wholeness Blessing is an upgrade to our vibration and is Heaven sent.  Its no biggie!  This Blessing is the first step to changing the frequency at which we operate – one heart at a time.  This Blessing was given to Joe Crane by Archangel Michael.  Joe had his first intervention with Michael during the Vietnam war when he and a handful of others listened to a voice and were led to safety when their ship was under fire.  It took many years before Joe actually accepted that he was being targeted to bring mankind messages from Heaven.  He still finds the whole process rather stressful!

When I was in San Francisco in August I was given the ability to pass this Blessing on to others – one heart at a time.  Some of you will laugh at this; some of you will be angry at the thought of Blessings and the arrogance of someone who says that they can give this; some of you might want to give it a go.  One thing I can say is that my life has changed hugely in the last 10 months and if there is anything that can help me in my quest to get closer to Rowie then I will give it a go.  I was given this Blessing three times whilst in the USA and each time I felt an emotion and a strength that cannot be discounted.  I would rather be a hopeful believer than someone who discounts and negates an opportunity.

As the 10 month anniversary of Rowie’s death looms, I am feeling far more confident and at peace with myself.  I look at Chris and Francis – they are still hurting as I am – but I think that they too are gaining strength.  They believe that they will see him again – there is enormous comfort in that.

I have been practicing Universal White Time Healing – a gift brought back from the USA.  There are a few UWT Healers in Australia but New Zealand is new territory.  This healing is incredible and I thank Jodie and Jose for this amazing gift.  My life is changing and I know that Rowie sits with me and encourages me in my endeavours.